Classes are $450 individually, or $1200 for all three. Classes are capped at 20 teachers per class; however, we are happy to discuss overloading or adding an instructor, depending on needs.
101: Introduction to Red Flags and Sensory Integration Inside the Classroom
This course provides educators an introduction to the experience of sensory processing disorders and the impact that can have on a child's view of the classroom setting. The various challenges presented by communication and motor differences are covered along with tips for how to address those difficult moments in a classroom. The class equips teachers to recognize the signs of sensory processing challenges and presents communication strategies and language for notifying parents.
102: Hands On Practice with Adaptive Classroom Strategies and Sensory Integration Tools
Level two digs deeper into the analysis of a specific child's needs. Many types of accommodations and strategies are presented, each categorized in our support grid. This tool enables educators to determine the right type of support called for in a given moment based on the type of signs and signals observed in a child's behavior. Educators will learn to recognize different need profiles and what types of adaptive methods best fit the corresponding need.
103: Creating Individualized Learning Profiles for a Cohesive Classroom
Level three addresses differentiation and the unique challenge of meeting the needs of a group while maintaining an individualized approach for students with sensory, motor, or communication differences. After covering the different learning profiles, we will look at various modalities for input and output. We will focus on the many ways that presentation of materials can be adjusted to meet a range of different learners' needs. Similarly, we will address various ways the demands of demonstration of knowledge can be adjusted for our special learners.