We specialize in creating individualized programs to support the goals of each family or classroom by teaching strategies to support growth!
School Placement
Educational Consulting
Finding the right environment is critical for our students’ success. We can help you find the right school for your learner.
Does your child’s teacher need to learn more about how your student learns? Utilizing our adaptive strategies and incorporating your child’s best input and output channels, we can create a map for your child’s teacher that will unlock better understanding and ultimately, better performance in the classroom.
Developing strategies for routines and trouble spots. We can cover all manner of topics, from communication and behavior to relationship building between siblings and successful outings.
Home Program
Are you ready to build an academic or therapeutic program at home? Organizing multiple providers and creating learning opportunities can be an overwhelming project. We can train new providers, provide academic material or game curriculum, build goal sets and develop strategies that will really work. We will help with the upkeep of an ongoing program using our systematic approach that will ensure a holistic program is in place.